Sunday, July 8, 2018

Unit 1: Discover Illinois' Geography


Civic Virtue 1: Honesty

Map Skills 1: Map Features

Map Skills 2: Types of Maps

Landforms of Illinois

Civic Virtue 2: Mutual Respect

Project Based Learning Assessment
Relief Map & Feature Description

Civic Virtue 3: Cooperation

Experiential Learning
Primary Source Exploration Activity: Maps of Illinois
Cook County Farm Bureau 4th Grade In-School Field Trip

Summative Assessment
Illinois Geography Quiz
Geography Quiz (ANSWER KEY)

Unit 2: Discover Illinois' History


The Founding of Illinois

Important Figures in History

Civic Virtue 4: Attentiveness to Multiple Perspectives

Game: Guess Who? (Important Figures in Illinois History)

Democratic Value 1: Equality

Cause and Effect 1: A Changing State

Cause and Effect 2: Reinforcement and Assessment

Project Based Learning Assessment
Illinois Timeline

Experiential Learning
Exploration of Illinois Artifacts

Summative Assessment
Illinois History Quiz
Illinois History Quiz (ANSWER KEY)

Unit 3: Discover Government


Introduction to Democracy

3 Branches of Government

Local, State and Federal Levels of Government

Democratic Value 2: Freedom

Significant Figures in Local, State and Federal Government

Democratic Value 3: Liberty

Changing Laws in Illinois

Project Based Learning Assessment
Biography Slideshow

Experiential Learning
Local Official Tours and/or Visits

Summative Assessment
Government Quiz
Government Quiz (ANSWER KEY)

Unit 4: Discover Economics


Jobs, Goods and People of Illinois

Democratic Value 4: Respect for Individual Rights


Supply & Demand


Profit & Spending


Project Based Learning Assessment
Product Proposal & Design

Experiential Learning
Factory Tour - Long Grove Confectionary Company (Buffalo Grove, IL)
Maple Syrup Hike - Ryerson Woods (Riverwoods, IL)

Summative Assessment
Economics Quiz and ANSWER KEY
Economics Quiz (Modified) and ANSWER KEY

Unit 1: Discover Illinois' Geography

LESSONS Civic Virtue 1: Honesty Map Skills 1: Map Features Map Skills 2: Types of Maps Landforms of Illinois Civic Virtue 2: Mutua...